AirFader connects to Yamaha 01V96-series consoles using the USB port. All you need to do is install the drivers.

The Yamaha 01V96-series of consoles do not have a network port, so you must use USB to connect to the console. This is where AirFader's client/server mode is very useful. You can connect AirFader for Windows to the 01V96 via USB, and connect a WiFi router to the AirFader machine. Then you can use AirFader for Android/iPad to mix wirelessly via WiFi.

BOTH versions of AirFader for Windows support the use of Android/iPad devices. The "Standard" version is limited to one user at a time, while the "Server" version allows multiple users at once.


Installing/Configuring for 01V96

First, check the MIDI settings on the 01V96 console:

  1. Press DIO/SETUP
  2. Select the MIDI/HOST tab
  3. Under SPECIAL FUNCTIONS, make sure StudioManager is set to "USB", "1", with ID "1"

Now go to the Windows computer:

  1. Install the Yamaha USB-MIDI driver for your console and version of Windows. It is available at Yamaha's website:
  2. Connect the 01V96 to the Windows computer via USB cable
  3. Start AirFader for Windows
  4. Go to "Config" and select "Yamaha 01V96-1" for BOTH Input Device and Output Device
  5. Select "Yamaha 01V96" for the Console Type
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click "Connect". (You may be asked for License Key info during your first time.)

If you're still not able to control the 01V96, please contact support.

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